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Image by Simone Secci

The VIC® appreciates the efforts that businesses, organizations, and individuals in our community make in support of our mission to assist Veterans. From specific events to offering a percentage of proceeds, funds received will help make a difference in the lives of Veterans and their families.

  • How does emergency housing work?
    Emergency Housing may be an option if you are also trying to get out of homelessness AND willing to work on the struggles that led you to it. You will need to contact the Emergency Housing program at our Central Office, if you are literally homeless or couch surfing, to be screened. Please call (505) 296-0800 and ask for the Emergency Housing program.
  • Do I have to be Active Duty?
    Certain programs may require active duty service to be eligible. We have multiple programs that have different service requirements. Speak with one of our Outreach Specialists to see if you qualify.
  • I don't have a VA card or a DD214  or any state ID, can I still get services?"
    Yes. Our staff will help you get a DD214 replaced, and can direct you on where to go for enrollment at the VA hospital, if you’re not currently enrolled. We may be able to help verify your Veteran status to establish eligibility. You won’t be turned away for services!
  • Can I apply for transitional housing if I plan to move to another state?
    Yes, you can. The goal of Transitional housing is get you off the streets, work on the challenges that made you homeless, and prepare to move into stable and permanent housing. Sometimes this may be in other places where you might have a family support system or other resources. Our team can help you make those plans and possibly connect you with other programs in that area. Our goal is to ensure you have a stable plan that ensures you housing stability no matter what your situation.
  • Are your units ADA accessible?
    We do have ADA accessible apartments for those in need. Please let your staff member know during your interview.
  • Do you provide internet access?
    We do have WiFi access for our Veterans and computers for you to use, with restrictions. We encourage clients to access the local library, but recognize that there are times when it is not possible.
  • Curfew, why and when?"
    There is a curfew of 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and 10 p.m. Friday, Saturday and holidays. This is in place for your safety, as well as accountability. It is not expected that clients be in bed at curfew, but must be on property when night checks are done by our Monitor Team.
  • Does my discharge affect my eligibility?
    We are able to accept Veterans with any type of discharge EXCEPT dishonorable.
  • What disabilities can I have and still access the program?
    The VIC will accept Veterans with all types of disabilities, as long as you can still care for yourself and perform all Activities of Daily Living (ADL) including bathing and grooming, dressing and undressing, meal preparation and feeding, transferring, safe restroom use and maintaining continence. The VIC does not provide any form of medication management or skilled nursing services.
  • How much stuff can I bring with me?
    Because the Transitional Housing program does require clients to share rooms, you are limited to bringing 2 large suitcases. All belongings will be searched upon enrollment, and you are not allowed to have weapons, illegal drugs or paraphernalia, pornography, or medications that are not prescribed to you. These items will be confiscated and held for you until you exit our programs.
  • Do I have to do community service or pay for the services?
    Our programs are made to provide a “hand up”, not a “hand out”. All Residents have a Community Service obligation that is dependent on your unique situation. Some Residents may have a small participation fee, but this is also dependent on your unique situation. If you have NO income, that is fine too. You do not need to pay to stay in our programs.
  • Can I have a pet?
    The only animals allowed in program are service animals (dogs), as recognized by the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Veteran will need to provide proof of vaccines for the animal, or be prepared to obtain them within 30 days of enrollment. If the animal poses a threat to anyone else in the program it will not be allowed to stay. The Veteran will be required to keep the animal on a leash, under control, and with you at all times as a service animal. You will also be required to clean up after the animal.
  • Will I have roommates?
    Everyone has a roommate in our program. Battle Buddies are an essential part of our programs. You will be assigned an apartment, with up to 2 roommates, and will work together to maintain the unit that has a full kitchen, bathroom and living room.
  • Will you find me housing?
    The VIC’s Transitional Housing program provides temporary, safe and supportive housing while Veterans work on other struggles that led to the homelessness. Once ready, the Veteran will work with our team to locate adequate permanent housing in the community. We work with many providers throughout the state, including having a Housing Specialist on staff that can work to address barriers to permanent housing like evictions or bad credit.
  • Can I smoke in my room?
    Transitional Housing does allow smoking on property. But it must be done outside of the apartments at designated areas. There is no smoking inside the apartments or on the porch/deck/patio.
  • Is alcohol use allowed?
    Drugs or alcohol use is not allowed while in the Transitional Housing Program, while on or off property. The VIC can and does require pre-entrance and random Breathalyzer and Drug testing.
  • Can I use marijuana in the program?
    There is no drug or alcohol use of any kind allowed while enrolled in the program. This includes medical marijuana. While medical marijuana is legal in New Mexico, the VIC receives federal funding, and the federal government does not recognize medical marijuana as a legal drug at this time.
  • Can I enroll if I have a family?
    Our program accepts legally married spouses of any gender, including minor children under the legal guardianship of either spouse. The client receiving services must be an eligible Veteran.
  • How long is the program?
    The Transitional Housing (TH) program can provide housing for 3 months and up to one year, although most clients graduate to independent housing after 6 to 9 months.
  • Do you have to be Active Duty?
    Certain programs may require active duty service to be eligible. We have multiple programs that have different service requirements. Speak with one of our Outreach Specialists to see if you qualify.
  • I don't have my DD214 or ID, can you help me get it?"
    We can absolutely help you get your DD214, birth certificate, VA ID, or other form of ID. Sometimes this is a quick process, but sometimes it is more lengthy. We will help you with the process even if you don’t qualify for or chose to participate in the Transitional Housing program.
  • Do I qualify for transitional housing if I don't qualify for VA healthcare?
    The Veteran does not have to qualify for VA healthcare to qualify for Transitional housing. But you will be required to go to the VA to register, and will have to interview with our VA Liaison as part of the enrollment process, if accepted.
  • I don't have a VA card or a DD214 or any state ID, can I still get services?"
    Yes. Our staff will help you get a DD214 replaced, and can direct you on where to go for enrollment at the VA hospital, if you’re not currently enrolled. We may be able to help verify your Veteran status to establish eligibility. You won’t be turned away for services!
  • I'm moving to New Mexico for a new job. Will you pay my moving expenses?
    Unfortunately, the SSVF program cannot use funds from our grant to help you with your move. Trying contacting the American Legion to see if they have any funding.
  • I'm behind on my mortgage. Can you help me get caught up?
    Unfortunately, the SSVF program cannot pay for mortgage payments, but we are happy to evaluate you for other programs that the VIC has which may be able to assist you. Please call our Emergency Housing Program at (505) 296-0800, extension 108. We also encourage you to contact your lender and communicate with them directly since many have special payment plans during these difficult times. You can also try contacting the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority at (505) 843-6880, who have several housing programs and resources that might be able to assist you.
  • I have poor rental history. Can you still help me find an apartment?
    Yes, we can still help you find an apartment. We have a Housing Specialist that will assist you with this process and we have several property managers and landlords that we work with frequently and who are willing to work with you when it comes to poor rental history.
  • How many months of rental assistance can you provide?
    Because each situation is unique, the amount and length of time you are provided assistance is dependent on the plan you and your case manager create to ensure your long-term housing stability and independence.
  • I just received my 3 Day Notice. How fast is the process to receive assistance?
    Once you have been approved for enrollment, our process is fairly fast. We will make every effort to help contact your landlord, but do not guarantee anything since we are an outside provider. You can expedite the process by having all your documents ready once you call us (see website for normal documents needed).
  • I just need help moving. Can you pay for a moving company?
    Unfortunately, the SSVF program cannot use funds from our grant to help you move. You can try contacting other service organizations such as the American Legion or Salvation Army to see if they can assist you.
  • I only need help paying my utilities. Can you help me with that?
    If you have a disconnect notice, the SSVF program can assist you since you must maintain utilities in order to remain stably housed with a legally executed lease in the state of New Mexico. If you have a delinquent notice, try contacting the utility provider and see if they will work with you on a payment plan. You can also try contacting other service organizations such as St. Vincent De Paul, the American Legion, Catholic Charities, or the Salvation Army who may have funding to assist you.
  • I was passing through Albuquerque and my car broke down. Can you help me get it fixed?
    No, the SSVF program cannot help pay to get your vehicle fixed. You can try contacting the Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, or St. Vincent De Paul to see if they have any funding.
  • I'm traveling and ran out of gas money. Can you help me pay for gas?
    No, the SSVF Program is not permitted to use funds to help pay for gas. You can try contacting the Salvation Army or St. Vincent De Paul to see if they have any funding. Also, the police department may have funds or know of additional resources.
  • Are my online donations secured?
    Yes. The VIC’s website is equipped with a secure server to process all donations.
  • Can I direct how my gift will be used to help people?
    Yes. You may direct your gift to the area of need that is most important to you, or you can designate your gift to where it is most needed.
  • Can I setup an automatic monthly gift to the VIC?
    Yes. You can elect to make a one-time gift or make a recurring donation using our secure online donation page.
  • Are my donations tax-deductible?
    Yes, to the fullest extent allowed by law. The VIC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is qualified to receive tax-deductible donations. Contributions to a charitable organization are generally deductible by individuals who itemize their deductions on their tax returns. We recommend you consult with a tax professional regarding how your contributions may impact your tax situation.
  • How much of the money given to the VIC goes directly to your programs?
    We are committed to keeping fundraising and administrative costs as low as possible. 90 cents of every dollar spent goes into programs, directly helping Veterans and their families.
  • What kind of donations do you accept?
    There are many ways you can support the VIC. We accept in-kind donations of clothing, food,, furniture, household items, and hygiene supplies. Click on Donate Goods for more information including how to shop directly from our Amazon Wishlist. We also have a Vehicle Donation Program and are able to accept gifts of property. We provide free towing service and take care of all the paperwork. Visit the Vehicle Donation page for more information. Monetary donations are always appreciated. You can make a one time or reoccurring contribution online using our secure server. You can also mail a check to: Veterans Integration Centers 1301-1 Ortiz Drive SE Albuquerque, NM 87108
  • How many Veterans are homeless in my community?
    New Mexico is one of only four States in the nation experiencing an increase in the number of homeless Veterans (16.4% - 2018). Today, there are more than 158,000 Veterans living in the State. Nine percent of these live in poverty and nearly 17% are homeless.
  • When you provide food, clothing and shelter to homeless people, aren’t you just enabling them?"
    The VIC applies a “hand up” not a “hand out” approach to offer. VIC staff and volunteers are there every step of the way to help them change their lives for the better, but we also ensure they are contributing members of society, including requiring volunteer hours and other obligations as part of their enrollment into our programs.
  • Are you the V.A.?
    No. We work closely with the VA, but we are not affiliated with them. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
  • How do I or someone I know get into one of your programs or receive services?
    We encourage family or community members to contact us about services rather than try to determine if a Veteran is eligible. You can call the numbers below to connect with a staff member who can answer questions you may have, or if you are a Veteran they can screen you for our services: 505-296-0800 or 505-265-0512. Or, click on VIC Programs to learn what services we offer and for additional information.
  • Can I hire men and/or women from the VIC’s programs for odd jobs such as yard work, moving, cleaning?"
    Yes, the VIC does do odd jobs including yard work and moving services, and we employ Veterans enrolled in our programs for these services. Please contact our Operations Department for details and questions at 505-265-0512.
  • Does the VIC participate in door-to-door solicitations or have employees asking for money at a store (for example, outside Walmart)?"
    No. We have never participated in door-to-door solicitation for donations. If you encounter someone claiming to be a staff member or client asking for money, please politely decline and inform the VIC by calling: 505-296-0800.
  • Do you participate in telemarketing?
    No. The VIC does make calls to Service Providers informing them of our Services. Occasionally, we’ll call or email people that have a history of donating to the VIC to inform them of a new service or opportunity.
  • Enter your answer here

HEADQUARTERS | (505) 296-0800
2701 Mulberry St. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
Fax: (505) 332-8092 

CENTRAL OFFICE | (505) 296-0800
13032 Central Ave SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123
Fax: (505) 266-2609

2701 Mulberry St. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
Fax: (505) 332-8092 

ALAMOGORDO OFFICE | (575) 551-6659
1900 23rd Street, Alamogordo, NM 88310
Fax: (505) 266-2609 

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© 2005-2022 Veterans Integration Centers | PRIVACY POLICY | TERMS OF USE

The Veterans Integration Center (VIC®) is a 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations are tax deductible.

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